Mamá fitness embarazada de ocho meses convertida en fenómeno viral

Mamá fitness embarazada de ocho meses convertida en fenómeno viral
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Sia Cooper, de 26 años, es madre de un niño y espera su segundo bebé para mayo. A pesar de estar embarazada de ocho meses, eso no le impide ponerse cabeza abajo, levantar pesas y hacer sentadillas. Esta mamá fitness se ha convertido en fenómeno viral por animar a las futuras mamás a mantenerse en forma durante el embarazo.

No es la primera embarazada con una barriga considerable que vemos marcar abdominales. Son muchas las mamis fitness, profesionales del mundo del fitness que marcan tendencia en las redes sociales. Sia tiene un blog en el que ofrece tutoriales de ejercicios para embarazadas y mamás recientes, y su cuenta de Instragram tiene más de cien mil seguidores.

Finally got around to purchasing a BOSU ball recently! Can't even begin to describe how cool this thing is. I can't wait to use it more when I'm not 31 weeks PREGNANT LOL. The point of this dome shaped ball is to help balance train your body, making usual moves seem harder, and gradually increasing your skill level when it comes to fitness. BUT... In life, we all need a little bit of balance training and I'm not just talking about from a fitness aspect here. Without balance, we fall. Without balance, we lean too far towards one extreme or the other. Let me ask you this: how balanced are the relationships in your life? Do you find yourself and your partner/friend/family member putting equally into your relationship or are you giving a little too much, but receiving too little in return? Maybe you're the one not giving enough? What about that job that you work at: are you working your butt off for countless hours a week only to feel unsatisfied with your pay or promotion? Or are you excelling and making tons of money, but forgetting to have a little down time in there? Lastly, what about your health? Do you find yourself balancing yourself more towards junk food and gaining weight or too much towards the side of "healthy" where you're afraid to enjoy the foods you once loved and you're friends & family are starting to worry about you? As you go about your day, I encourage you to seek some balance in your life wherever you may need it the most. You never want to be too extreme on either side or else you'll find yourself tipping over the edge eventually falling. #pregnant #preggo #fitfam #fitmom #fitpregnancy #bbg #fitness #fitnessaddict #instagood #fitspo #fitspiration #arms #workout #weights #weightlifting #fitgirl #motivation #friday #flex #strong #healthy #ripped #tiuteam #toned #fit #motivationalmonday #mothersinprotest #fitgirls #bbggirls

Una foto publicada por Sia Cooper (@diaryofafitmommyofficial) el

¿Es peligroso?

Nos llama la atención ver a futuras madres adictas al fitness hacer forzar su cuerpo al límite, pero debemos tener en cuenta que cada mujer es un mundo y son cuerpos acostumbrados a ese nivel de entrenamiento. Sia practica habitualmente una rutina de ejercicios, incluso desde antes de quedar embarazada de su primer bebé.

Como dice ella en su cuenta de Instagram, cada mujer debe escuchar su propio cuerpo y confiar en él. Cuenta que ha sido criticada por levantar pesas embarazada, pero "¿sabéis qué?, he tenido un precioso niño". Eso sí, recomienda consultar antes con el médico, pues no todas las embarazadas pueden hacerlo.

� Bosu Workout � It is still so shocking to see people who comment so negatively toward a fit pregnant woman: "She only cares about her looks and not the baby!" "All of that activity is NOT good for her unborn child." "She is taunting other mothers out there." Ok let's get some things straight: 1. Hell yeah I care about how I look. I love looking good and taking care of my body for not only my husband, but for also myself. When you look good, you feel even better. It's an instant self-esteem boost. And as far as not caring about the health of my unborn baby, don't you ever think that I workout FOR the health of my unborn baby? 2. Actuallyyyyy... working out during pregnancy results in a healthier labor, delivery, and baby AND I have my doctor's approval. 3. Nope, not taunting or bragging-just making a point that if you are up for it & are physically able to, WHY NOT? It's called motivation. Now, some facts about working out during pregnancy: FACT: Research shows you might put on 7 pounds less than pregnant women who don’t work out, while still staying within the healthy weight-gain range. FACT: Regular exercisers are 75 percent less likely to need a forceps delivery, 55 percent less likely to have an episiotomy and up to four times less likely to have a Cesarean section. FACT: You lower your gestational diabetes risk by as much as 27 percent and even if you do develop it—and many fit women do because genetics and age play a significant role—exercise may help prevent or delay your need for insulin or other medications. FACT: Your child may have a healthier heart. The developing babies of prenatal exercisers have more efficient hearts than those of non-exercisers. It's sad that we still live in a day and age where people think pregnant ladies are crippled. Well, guess what? We're not. All I am saying is if your doctor has given you the approval to workout, then why not? You may choose to workout during your pregnancy or you may choose not to-it is your choice and you have your own reasonings. But don't you dare put ME down for my choice. And do not let others put you down for yours as well.

Un vídeo publicado por Sia Cooper (@diaryofafitmommyofficial) el

Vía | Daily Mail
En Bebés y más | ¿Cómo es posible que solo haya un mes de diferencia entre estas dos embarazadas?

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